Editorial board
Editors of this journal work on a purely voluntary basis without remuneration. This secures the freedom of taking editorial decisions purely based on scientific quality assurance without any interference with the economic interests an open-access publisher might have.
Executive editors

Guangbo Hao
University College Cork
School of Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering
School of Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Andreas Müller
JKU Johannes Kepler University
Institute of Robotics
Institute of Robotics

Topic editors

Bahman Azarhoushang
Subject areas
Subject areas
Machining and Manufacturing Processes

Giovanni Berselli
University of Genoa
DIME - Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering
DIME - Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics
Zi Bin
Hefei University of Technology
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics

Lionel Birglen
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Robotics Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Robotics Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics

Giuseppe Carbone
University of Calabria
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics
Stéphane Caro
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Guimin Chen
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics
Daniel Condurache
Technical University of Iasi
Theoretical Mechanics
Theoretical Mechanics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics
Juan Andrés Gallego Sánchez
Universidad EAFIT
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics
Dongming Gan
Purdue University
Polytechnic Institute
School of Engineering Technology
Polytechnic Institute
School of Engineering Technology
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics
Kheng Lim Goh
Newcastle University
Newcastle Research & Innovation Institute
Newcastle University in Singapore (NUiS)
Newcastle Research & Innovation Institute
Newcastle University in Singapore (NUiS)
Subject areas
Subject areas
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Zbigniew Gronostajski
Wrocław University of Technology
The Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Forming Processes Engineering Department Z3
The Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Forming Processes Engineering Department Z3
Subject areas
Subject areas
Machining and Manufacturing Processes

Guangbo Hao
University College Cork
School of Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering
School of Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer and Thermal Systems
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanisms and Robotics
Micro and Nano Systems
Solid Mechanics
Sound and Vibrations
Structural Mechanics
Dynamics and Control
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer and Thermal Systems
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanisms and Robotics
Micro and Nano Systems
Solid Mechanics
Sound and Vibrations
Structural Mechanics

Jeong Hoon Ko
Taizhou Institute of Zhejiang Universtiy
Precision Manufacturing Center
Precision Manufacturing Center
Subject areas
Subject areas
Machining and Manufacturing Processes

Ali Konuralp
Celal Bayar University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control

Chin-Hsing Kuo
University of Wollongong
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics

Med Amine Laribi
University of Poitiers
Pprime Institute
Pprime Institute
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics
Haiyang Li
Dalian University of Technology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics
Jinguo Liu
Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
State Key Laboratory of Robotics
State Key Laboratory of Robotics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Xichun Luo
University of Strathclyde
Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management
Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management
United Kingdom
Subject areas
Subject areas
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Hui Ma
Northeastern University
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control

Andreas Müller
JKU Johannes Kepler University
Institute of Robotics
Institute of Robotics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer and Thermal Systems
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanisms and Robotics
Micro and Nano Systems
Solid Mechanics
Sound and Vibrations
Structural Mechanics
Dynamics and Control
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer and Thermal Systems
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanisms and Robotics
Micro and Nano Systems
Solid Mechanics
Sound and Vibrations
Structural Mechanics

Victor Petuya
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics
Jahangir Rastegar
Stony Brook University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics
Dario Richiedei
Università degli Studi di Padova
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Lotfi Romdhane
American University of Sharjah
United Arab Emirates
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Francisco Romero
University of Extremadura
Department of Mechanical, Energy and Materials Engineering
Department of Mechanical, Energy and Materials Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics

Thorsten Schindler
Dentsply Sirona
Innovation Center
Innovation Center
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics

Engin Tanık
Hacettepe University
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics

Guowu Wei
University of Salford
School of Science, Engineering and Environment
School of Science, Engineering and Environment
United Kingdom
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics

Marek Wojtyra
Warsaw University of Technology
Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics
Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control

Peng Yan
Shandong University
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control

Davood Younesian
Iran University of Science and Technology
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mechanisms and Robotics

Zhen Zhang
Tsinghua University
Mehcanical Engineering
Mehcanical Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Xuping Zhang
Aarhus University
Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Wuxiang Zhang
Beihang University
Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Robotics Institute
Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Robotics Institute
Subject areas
Subject areas
Dynamics and Control
Mechanisms and Robotics
Mechanisms and Robotics
Advisory board
Amin Barari
Aalborg University
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Marco Ceccarelli
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Laboratory of Robot Mechatronics
Dept of Industrial Engineering
Laboratory of Robot Mechatronics
Dept of Industrial Engineering

Clement Gosselin
Laval University
Robotics Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering
Robotics Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering

Just Herder
Delft University of Technology
Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering
Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering

Giulio Maier
Politecnico di Milano
Gérard A. Maugin
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert
J. Michael McCarthy
University of California, Irvine
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
United States
Gerald E. Miller
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
United States
Nima Tolou
Delft University of Technology
BioMechanical Engineering
BioMechanical Engineering
George Weng
Rutgers University
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
United States
Paul Zsombor-Murray
McGill University
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering